
re: 2.  I would strongly recommend MetaDataMagic from New Millennium as an almost essential tool for conversion if you have many files to convert.  I have used it for 8 or 9 conversions of systems ranging from 40 to 120 files.  Your databases will "just convert" but MDM has some excellent internal tools - Conversion Analysis reports, File Reference Fixer.
There as some really good articles at FMi to help you - eg.



"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:09 AM, Gary Scott wrote:

> I have two Filemaker applications that are running on Filemaker Pro V6
> Unlimited.  Both applications are setup to allow web access.  I am NOT using
> instant web publishing.
> I would like to upgrade to newest version of Filemaker and have a couple of
> questions.
> 1.  What flavor of FileMaker 11 do I need for web access?
> 2.  Will my data base files convert from FileMaker Pro V6 to FileMaker Pro
> V11 just by opening them in FileMaker 11?
> 3.  I understand that for web access FileMaker no longer user HTML.  I am a
> novice when it comes to HTML and have no experience in any other web access
> language.  It there a way to convert my current HTML files to what the
> language the new version of FileMaker reguires.
> In general, my question is, can a novice like me easily convert my Filemaker
> 6 web based solution to Filemaker 11?