I work in an enviroment that using access.    I have them export each of the tables into excel files and then I import the excel files into filemaker and make my own data base. I usually get three different excel files which link together in my filemaker program. That means that I make 3 different tables in Filemaker.   It is very easy to import and then link. The trick is that each time there are changes, I have to remember to import only the changes into each of the tables that I formed with filemaker.   I have gotten it down to a science after many mistakes but it is possible.  Also if you access has certain forms, I do not believe you will get the forms but you have to set them up yourself.

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Bob Stern <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
jem cabanes wrote:

I'm at a loss as how to open msoft Access files with some Mac equivalent application (AppleWorks, Bento).

But how to export the data of a file that can't be opened?

FileMaker cannot import from Access.  This includes all versions of FileMaker from version 7 to the present.  Nor can any other Mac program that I know of.

You say it would be impractical to export it to Excel or tab-delimited format, but you should explain whether this is a one-time project or whether you need continuous access to a database whose contents change over time.

Also, you didn't explain whether the Access database has more than one table, i.e., whether it is a relational database.  That would complicate matters considerably if you need the data from more than one table.

As someone else suggested, the most straightforward solution would be to install Access and Windows using emulator software such as Boot Camp, VMware Fusion, Parallels, Darwine, or Crossover.  You can get Windows XP relatively cheaply.  Find out what version of Access what used, and install that version yourself to ensure compatibility.

Bob Stern