On 2011-01-06 +0900 (JST), at 2:20 PM, Andrus wrote:

> As you might guess, as much as I like a bright red, white, and blue flag-- in its proper place-- I cheered some years ago when Kino asked if it could be subdued in color for the language indicator in NWP.

That problem has been partially solved, partially fortunately ;-) In recent versions of NWP, you can change the language (flag) icon by replacing lang-*.tif in 'Nisus Writer Pro.app/Contents/Resources/' with your custom tiff file. 'lang-en.tif' for English US, 'lang-ja.tif' for Japanese, and so on.

However, this trick does not seem to work for custom languages. I'm using such a language for romanized Arabic which is represented by the flag chosen as 'Based on' language, namely Estonian flag. I chose it because its flag looked looked and the least disturbing.
