This is OT, but follows the comment here.

If the discussion on labels relates to being able to follow a line of text across a Finder page, or similar, I recommend that you customise PinPoint with "Full Screen Crosshairs".

It allows you to follow both horizontal and vertical sections. Think spreadsheet.

PinPoint from <>. It is a System Preference.

For anyone who gives presentations on a screen, PinPoint is an essential add-on.

Regards from brianF

On 05/01/2011, at 7:14 AM, Andrus wrote:

> On 2011 Jan 4, Tue, at 10:10 am, Kino wrote:
>>> By the way, what does "Maximum label lines" in Secrets PrefPane > Finder mean?
>> I don't know. I have never used labels in OS X. Perhaps a few times in OS 9 and earlier. I don't like their way of colouring file names. I'm an aesthete in my own way even if no one understands me ;-)
> Well Kino, I don't know that I understand you, but I certainly agree that the label coloring is way too busy bright and distracting!  Why is it Apple does so good, but stops just short of the mark?
> I frequently overlook the file I want if it is colored-- I think because my eye ignores it to shield itself! :-) I believe we can change colors, but that is only a small part of the problem.  The fact that all the lines are colored anything at all distracts sorely from what is selected and the path (in view style #3).  I would like to be able to have the color show up in a limited area-- such as around the icon and maybe the disclosure triangle at the end.  Leave the file names unsullied.  Is Apple listening?  It seems not.  But they would surely listen to Kino, if they knew what was good for them (and us users).
> 	<end rant>
> 	Ben Andrus