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From: Alison Sommer <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 07:41:21 -0600
Subject: Re: #9539 Secure posting/hosting of video files?
To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum <[log in to unmask]>

If we had a question like that at Macalester we would use the online
assignment feature in Moodle, our LMS, and we would instruct the students on
how to compress and/or clip video files to meet our 50mb upload limit. As an
"assignment" in Moodle the students and faculty have to logged in with their
account to access it, and only the individual student and the course faculty
would have access to said file. Currently we do have several classes on
campus using Moodle to turn in student videos electronically, and since our
upload limit is fairly low we haven't yet run into a network storage
problem, but it is always something we have in the back of our minds as the
interest in using digital video in courses goes up. Does your institution
have an LMS that could serve this function?

Alison Sommer
AIA - Languages & Fine Arts
Macalester College

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