Hello Nobumi,

On Dec 25, 2010, at 10:35 PM, Nobumi Iyanaga wrote:

> foreach $num in $selectedTexts
> 	$theNum = Cast to Int $num
> 	if $theNum == 0
> 		if $num != '0'
> 			exit "$num is not a digit"
> 		end
> 	end
> 	$theExpression &= $num & $theOperator
> end

Yeah, NWP macro does not have a proper command for that kind of verification. That is a bit annoying, but, in a certain sense, it is those shortcomings which make us more familiar with the macro language. Doing trials and errors to write a viable alternative, surely we learn something.

> $theLength = $theExpression.length
> $theLength = $theLength - 1
> $theRange = Range.new (0, $theLength)

You can condense these three lines into:

$theRange = Range.new (0, $theExpression.length - 1)

> $theExpression = $theExpression.substringInRange ($theRange)

For such a purpose, I think you can use join command advantageously, like in the macro below.

### another version ####

$doc = Document.active
$nums = $doc.selectedSubstrings
if $nums.count < 2
	exit 'The macro requires two or more selected numerals, exiting...'

foreach $num in $nums
	$check = $num * 1
	if $check != $num
		exit "\"$num\" is not a number, exiting..."

$op = Prompt Input 'Enter the operator', '', '', '+'

# Ideally we should check the validity of user input
# but I don't know what operators are supported in Perl...

$exp = $nums.join $op
$res = undefined

# In this kind of macros, Perl preambles would be overkilling but anyway...

Set Include Perl UTF Preamble false
Set Exported Perl Variables 'exp', 'res'

Begin Perl
	$res = eval ($exp);

Write Clipboard "= $res"
exit "$exp = $res"

### end ###

Each time I see your $res, I imagine something Latin ;-)
