Welcome to CnT!

To Sign up for any trip, blitz the leader of that trip with your DA$H number or
saying you'd like to pay in cash.  If the trip is free, just blitz the leader to
reserve a spot.

If you're interested in becoming a DOC Member, please see Julie Bell in Robo. 
You'll get discounted trips and lots of other perks.  

<3 CnT


Event: CnT FEED!
Day: Wednesday Oct. 27
Time: 6:30 PM
Cost: $4 to eat (free if you help cook)
Description: Come to the Rock (http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cabtrail/rock.shtml) at
6:30 to indulge in some delicious, yet-to-be-determined food. Come at 5:00 if
you are going to help cook.
Blitz: Christopher Rhoades if you would like to cook/have suggestions for what
to cook


DINERTOURE (Current Vertical Challenge Champs!)!
Shyrl's Diner, West Leb NH.
Thursday Morning, 7 AM
Blitz: Dennis Zeveloff (DinerZ)

"Shyrl-y, Shyrl, you surly squirrel,
I'll take your diner for a whirl.
Wake up thursday with that special girl,
and feed her pancakes til she hurls."--Robert Frost, 1893.
(Rauner Library, Section AB489.14)

Yes, Bobby Frost's poetry was abysmal in his college years, but he loved
Shyrl's, and you will too!  Join the dinerteam this Thursday for friendship
and warm food to fill your cold body.  The ride is free, bring small bills.


Event: Velvet Rocks	
Day: Saturday
Time: 10 am - 1:30/football game!
Cost: Free! (But bring your own snacks..)
Description / Difficulty level: We will hike right off campus to velvet rocks.  
  It's about 5.2 miles round trip, and should take us about three hours.  It
be easy and fun.  Then we'll come back to for football game and cheer on Don!
Blitz: Maddie Lesser (mless)


Event: Liberty & Flume & Lodge Dinner!
Day: Sunday, Oct. 31
Time: 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
Cost: $7 for DOC members, $9 otherwise (plus $8 for Lodge dinner)
Description / Difficulty level: Liberty and Flume are the two southernmost
mountains in the Franconia Ridge, which is just north of Moosilauke.  We'll
drive up early Sunday morning, then go for a strenuous 10 mile hike -
spectacular views are guaranteed (unless it rains)!  And if it does rain, you
can warm up afterwards with a hot, delicious dinner at the Lodge!
Blitz: Marielle Battistoni with your DASH to sign up

 Event: Late-Bird Moose Mountain Trailwork
Day: Sunday
Time: Leave 11am, back 6 or 7pm (time negotiable)
Cost: FREE, b/c it's trailwork!
Description / Difficulty level: For one of the last trailwork trips of the term,
we will be adventuring to the nearby Moose Mt. to finish work on a muddy stretch
of trail up on the ridge of the mountain.  We will hike to the beautiful Class
of '66 Lodge to disconnect the water so the pipes don't freeze, admire the view
from the mountain's summit, and then finish last week's work by building a log
staircase, a stone drainage channel, and some stepping stones to rescue a
partly-submerged stretch of trail near the Moose Mountain Shelter.  This means
wielding axes, rock bars, sledgehammers, and other implements of destruction. 
As always, no experience is necessary; and in honor of Homecoming, we will sleep
in and leave at 11am.  Blitz Wales Carter to sign up, or for more info.