
The first things to consider would be:

 (i) Is it possible that the records were in fact deleted? If the delete command is available in the file, it is always possible it has been used.

(ii) Is it possible that you have mismanaged copies of the file (such as when using DropBox)? If there is no gap in the incremental record number (presumably an auto-enter serial number) then this is a good possibility. It is possible that the three lost records were input into a different copy of the file. When using DropBox with two computers, there are at least three copies of the file (on the original computer, on the DropBox server, and on your second computer). If both computers are not constantly connected to the internet, it seems fairly likely that this type of problem could happen. 

I'm not sure DropBox goes very well with Filemaker. There's no essential problem with the combination, but it does seem like keeping track of versions could be quite difficult.

With a simple database file, it is fairly unlikely that corruption or hard disk problems will occur. Filemaker is very reliable when used correctly.


On Jul 26, 2010, at 4:48 PM, Pedro Perdomo-Miteff wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> No, is on a single Mac.
> But there is something...
> I had a Dropbox account and put a "symbolic link" of the DB on it, so i can
> open it at home when I'm away from office.
> Would be a problem?
> Best