On 2010 Jun 5, at 21:00, Nicholas Geti wrote:

I am using FMP v5.5 in Windows XP pro.
How do I calculate the sum of a column everytime a user enters a change anywhere in that column? The layout is in browse mode and I am using a Trailing Grand Summary field.
If I click on the Trailing field or enter Preview mode, the calculation happens. But I would like the layout to behave like a spreadsheet where all totals change when any item is changed.

Do you normally expect to see totals of ALL the records or totals of only a post-Find selected SUBSET of records? For example, if you've got 1000 records in your file, do you always want to see the total of all 1000 of them, or might you do a Find for that results in, say, 500 records and see the total of only that 500?