On Jun 7, 2010, at 5:37 PM, Ferren MacIntyre wrote:

> A couple of questions, if anyone can help:
> 1) I have added arrows to the QuickFix list, using \ra for a right arrow, &c. \ra will turn into U+2192 in Times New Roman, but I can’t persuade anything to turn into a ‘heavy rightwards arrow’ U+2799 in Zapf Dingbats. Anybody know how to do this?

I added "\RA to U+2799" to QuickFix and it works for me. Try it again and make sure that the Correction field is not highlighted.

I find inconvenient this behaviour: the conversion of a newly added QuickFix entry fails (regarded as empty string) if the Correction field is highlighted even if the Preferences window has been closed. I just sent them a feedback asking to change the behaviour.

> I guess the question is whether Nisus is slow because formatting and unformatting RTF are intrinsically CPU intensive, or slow because Nisus wraps the job and passes it to Foo who wraps it and passes it to Bar ... until it works its way down to active code.

I don't know. But if what you want to know is whether a faster CPU makes faster NWP's saving a large file, I'll answer affirmatively.
