Hi Kino,

Thank again for the macros.

I seem to have at test two DotDomp.nwm files; on from 2008 and the other 2009.

I think they may be the same but how do I tell the difference, if any really.


Regards from brianF

On 29/03/2010, at 3:12 AM, Kino wrote:

> On Mar 29, 2010, at 12:36 AM, Alan & Elaine wrote:
>> Somehow both Elaine and I seem to have lost your valued macro that compares differences between two open documents. Could you possibly post it again please?
> Here it is.
> <http://www2.odn.ne.jp/alt-quinon/files/NWPro/textinfo/DocComp_nwm.zip>
> Sorry, I changed the url because the original directory was filled up with too many files.
> Kino