On Mar 27, 2010, at 12:10 AM, Hamid Haji wrote:

> When they did not see any blue text they probably did not try to click the display text of the links.
> Save As PDF... from NWP preserves the link but not the colour.

I tend to think sooner or later Apple will update their PDF producer so that url/mailto links have blue colour and underline. In the meantime, you can use a macro like this to make it easy to colourize links.

It will select all hyperlinks in the document. Then, you can apply a colour, underline, etc. on them at once. Alternatively, you can quasi-automate the process by adding, for example, ":Format:Text Color:Dark Bleu", etc. at the end of the macro. Actually, there is no macro command for setting underline colour.



### Select All Links ###

$doc = Document.active
if $doc == undefined

$sels = Array.new
foreach $text in $doc.allTexts
	$i = 0
	while $i < $text.length
		$attr = $text.displayAttributesAtIndex $i
		$range = $text.rangeOfDisplayAttributesAtIndex $i
		if Defined $attr.link
			$sel = TextSelection.new $text, $range
			$sels.appendValue $sel
		$i = $range.bound

if ! $sels.count
	exit 'No link found, exiting...'

$doc.setSelections $sels

### end of macro ###