At the moment I'm frequently converting SVG vector files to vector 
pdf files.  I can do it using svg2pdf, which requires Cairo etc and 
is very fussy and rather deficient.

This thread has got me thinking of another way to do it and the 
result is below.  It requires no administrator privileges.  The Perl 
script reads cups/ and gets the last file spooled (at least here it 
does).  It then  opens a copy of the file created, complete with name 
suffix, in user's TemporaryItems.

The AppleScript script is saved as an application and put in the 
dock.  I print from Safari (sadly the only browser that creates a 
vector pdf file) and then click on in the dock.

-- ~/scripts/ (in dock):

do shell script "cd; cd scripts; perl"


# ~/scripts/

use strict;
my ($dir, @list, $printfile);
$dir = "/var/spool/cups";
opendir DIR, $dir or die $!;
while ($_=readdir DIR) {/^d/ or next; push @list, $_ }
$printfile = pop @list;
my $pdf = "$ENV{HOME}/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems/$printfile.pdf";
$printfile = "$dir/$printfile";
open F, $printfile or die $!;
open PDF, ">$pdf" or die $!;
while (<F>){print PDF}
close F; close PDF;
`open -a preview '$pdf'`;