Dear Colleagues,

The WorldCALL Planning Committee is now seeking bids to host the 4th
WorldCALL conference sometime in 2013, at a date deemed to be convenient
for both the host institution and the worldwide CALL community.

The committee is seeking a location that would be easily accessible from the
world's major population centers, that would have sufficient facilities and
technological capabilities to host up to 700 participants with 10-12 concurrent
sessions, and with the expertise and financial resources to guarantee a
successful event.

Bids will be accepted until 31 July 2010. The decision of the Conference
Planning Committee (CPC) will be announced by the end of September 2010.

For further information, please visit the WorldCALL website at


Professor Mike Levy
Head of School
School of Languages and Linguistics
N56_0.17,  Nathan campus,  Griffith University
170 Kessels Road,  Nathan
Brisbane,  Queensland  4111,  Australia
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