A few weeks back, members of the LLTI list had the opportunity to respond to
Josh Kim's blog entry on Inside Higher Ed relating to "obsolete technologies."
As you can imagine, he received a lot of feedback on the article, including a
dose of unprofessional ad hominem attacks. Such is the nature of blogs and the
online world.

Last week he posted a follow up entry entitled "The Importance of Place" that
has probably not reached as wide an audience.
http://bit.ly/ao2Wwp. I encourage you to read and respond appropriately.

Disclaimer: Josh is a colleague and a friend, but I know that he appreciates any
feedback, good or bad (he has a thick skin). He is more interested in the
"conversation" and does not mind being "schooled" when appropriate.


Anthony Helm, Director
Arts and Humanities Resource Center
Dartmouth College
6192 Bartlett Hall
Hanover, NH 03755-3530
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Phone: +1-603-646-8180
Fax: +1-603-646-2712

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])