I have been developing a module loading system for AppleScript, called ModuleLoader. 


I have started this development inspired by appleMods. 
ModuleLoader has similar functions and mechanism of LoaderServer of appleMods.
One of differences between appleMods and ModuleLoader is that modules/libraries
are normal script products (i.e. compiled scripts, script bundles, applets
and droplets). 

Also I have been developing a tool for documentation of modules, called AppleScriptDoc.


AppleScriptDoc can generate reference manual as html files from marked up
comments in source code, like HeaderDoc or JavaDoc. 
The generated manual can be set up in a script bundle as its help book.
The script bundle can display own help book in the Help Viewer using HelpBook.osax.


Now I am reimplementing ModuleLoader as a scripting addition to gain performance,
flexibility and easy of use (Almost finished but documents are not prepared). 

I hope my works can be for someone's information.

 Tetsuro KURITA
  E-mail: [log in to unmask]