--- Forwarded Message from "Busby, Lillie" <[log in to unmask]> ---

>From: "Busby, Lillie" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "'Language Learning and Technology International Information    Forum'"
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>Disposition-Notification-To: "Busby, Lillie" <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 08:33:16 -0500
>Subject: RE: H1N1 flu preparations
>Thread-Topic: H1N1 flu preparations
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>References: <633D3FD0BA0D475A869FBBFE61AF5D8A@CASLLABDIR>
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I had our department purchase Clorox antiseptic wipes in bulk (the largest I can
find is 78 per container).   A container is placed at the door and on each lab
table.  I also have antiseptic hand gel in the lab available to all the
students.  Custodial Services also helps me out, by spraying the lab surfaces
down with antiseptic each night. 

As students are oriented to the lab, they are also given a brief presentation on
preventative hygiene.  Students are reminded to wipe down mice, keyboards,
earpieces, and mics (I pulled the foam off the mics as it actually serves no

Actually, I am more concerned over conjunctivitis and the common flu and am glad
to see the current awareness. Students, by the way, have been overly
appreciative about our department's efforts to increase hygiene. 

Lillie Busby
Technology and Languages Lab Coordinator
Department of Foreign Languages
Sam Houston State University
Academic Building 4-312

From: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Todd F. Hughes
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 7:34 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: H1N1 flu preparations

Hi, I'm wondering if you might be able to comment on what you're doing at your
schools to prepare for a potential H1N1 flu epidemic.  I realize that we're all
in a somewhat special position as we're working with keyboards, microphones,
headsets and whatnot.
H1N1 is already in Nashville and even though there might be a lot of hype
surrounding it, I think that some measures should be taken.  I just don't know
which ones.
Todd F. Hughes, Ph.D.
Director, Vanderbilt Language Center
Associate Editor, Hispania Journal 
Vanderbilt University
VU Station B #356202
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN  37235-6202
Voice:  615.322.2818
Fax:  615.343.3262

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