Am I missing something obvious here (probably)?--

set tiffFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
set fileList to every file of tiffFolder
end tell

returns a list of the files in the chosen folder in the form of:

{document file "12266_Aviator.psG01.TIF" of folder "12266_Aviator" of
folder "Hold for V30" of disk "prepress" of application "Finder", document
file "12266_Aviator.psG00.TIF" of folder "12266_Aviator" of folder "Hold
for V30" of disk "prepress" of application "Finder"} (this is an
abbreviated list for purposes of this email)

But...if I copy that list and try to say:

set myList to {document file "12266_Aviator.psG01.TIF" of folder
"12266_Aviator" of folder "Hold for V30" of disk "prepress" of application
"Finder", document file "12266_Aviator.psG00.TIF" of folder
"12266_Aviator" of folder "Hold for V30" of disk "prepress" of application

It won't compile...instead giving the error:

Expected "," or "}" but found ".

and it highlights the open quote of the first folder in the first item of
the list. I get the same thing in Smile or in Script Editor. What am I not
understanding here?

