Heya! I apologize if you're getting this more than once... I'm organizing volunteers for the Stoaked Triathalon and Trail run on August 8th and 9th at Oak Hill and Storrs Pond. There is the standard course (.5k swim, 8.5 bike, 4k run) on Saturday at 1pm, the longer XTERRA course (1k swim, 17k bike, 8k run) on Sunday at 9am, and relay options for either, as well as a 16k trail run on Saturday at 10am. The proceeds from any teams who join to do a triathalon as a relay together go straight to the DOC, and anyone who volunteers either on Sunday or Saturday gets free race fees. So you could race Saturday and volunteer Sunday or vice versa. The time slots for volunteering are only about three hours for either day. If you have any questions, want more information or want to volunteer, let me know! Erin