On Fri, 22 May 2009 10:52:42 -0700, Stockly, Ed <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Do both systems have access to the same volumes? If so you could script the
>Hypercard machine to write to a specific file and the host machine to read
>the file.

Unfortunately, no. The vMac emulator is a very simple Mac Plus emulator which does not 
share disks directly (only image files, but they cannot be mounted simultaneously by both 
the emulator and the host systems without corruption. The only communication I have to 
work with is the fact that from the emulator I can get the host clipboard and I can also put 
the emulator's clipboard to the host's. That's it. And that's only possible through two little 
faceless mini-apps someone wrote (one for each function) that I can invoke with Hypertalk. 

Since Hypercard is all I need in a Classic system, and don't need color for it (and vMac is 
FAST), it's an ideal solution on an Intel Mac. I only wish the screen were bigger. 

So what I still need is the ability to have Applescript on the host Mac OS X notice when the 
first word or line of the clipboard is a unique flag (like the word "hscript"), and the ability to 
then delete that flag and act on the rest of the clipboard.
In Hypertalk I'd write an idle script as follows:

get the clipboard
if line 1 of it is "hscript" then delecte line 1 of it
do it as Applescript  (or, "open URL it", etc)

I just need an Applescript idle script that does basically the same thing with the clipboard 
every few seconds.