In our lab at the U of MN Language Center the majority of unclaimed prints 
seemed to be from students who printed documents and then realized that 
they didn$E2t want them anymore due to errors in things like formatting, 
fonts, pages selected, etc. Most of the prints left behind were not from 
students who had simply forgotten to pick them up.

The problem wasn$E2t really resolved until students had to begin paying for 
the prints before the print job would release from the printer. In a lab 
with 29 computers we went from hundreds of unclaimed pages per month to 
zero pages after installing a Pharos print system.

If prints are not claimed due to forgetfulness, then simply having to swipe 
a card may resolve the problem. In our case, where errors on the part of 
the person printing seemed to be responsible for most of the unclaimed 
prints, it wasn't until we went to a system that required students to pay 
*before* they printed that we saw a dramatic decrease in unclaimed prints: 
printed reminders, verbal appeals by our lab staff, and appeals to save 
trees and paper did not work.


Ellen Wormwood
Coordinator, MultiMedia Lab and
TandemPlus Class-to-Class Exchanges
CLA Language Center
135 Jones Hall
27 Pleasant Street
Minneapolis, MN  55455

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