I work at a K-12 school district.  Due to the cost (and relative 
inflexibility) of hard-wire/hard-ware systems, we are looking at a 
server-based solution.  We need something that could be compatible with 
laptop carts (and wireless).  What vendors would have a product we could 
utilize that would have that flexibility.  I haven't had much luck finding 
a range of options.

Thank you!

Terry McCarthy

Terrance M. McCarthy
K-12 Curriculum Supervisor for  Business, LOTE, and Technology
Webster Central School District
119 South Avenue
Webster, New York  14580
(585) 216-0114

Webster School Business Connections

Let us have faith that right makes might.
Let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.

- Abraham Lincoln

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])