Hello Everyone,

I am trying to play a segment of a flash file (flv) in an online setting
(i.e. through a web server). I want to specify a starting point and an
ending point for the segment either in terms of a byte offset from the start
of the file or using a timecode e.g. seconds/milliseconds or frames. I would
then play only that segment of the file between the starting point and the
ending point. The flash file has to be remote (i.e. sitting on a server

Do you know of any online flash player which will enable me to specify a set
of parameters to the flash player so that only that particular segment is

I do NOT want to set pre-determined bookmarks, or other forms of markers in
the flash file itself.

Having this facility would enable me to have only one file which would be
accessed in many different ways, thus cutting down on clutter etc. and the
necessity to have a rigid set of markers requiring the whole file to be
re-processed for any necessary change.

Thank you very much for your help.


Professor Dr Andrew Lian
Vice-President of AsiaCALL
Chair, Dept. of Foreign Languages
Western Illinois University
Macomb, IL, 61455, USA
e-mail: [log in to unmask]; website: http://www.andrewlian.com
Phone: +1 (309) 298-1558; Fax: +1 (309) 298-1060

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The universe is made up of stories, not atoms (Muriel Rukeyser)

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