Okay. This one runs, and it runs extremely quickly. The file I'm  
running it on is 420K and the script finishes virtually instantaneously.

However, opening the resulting file in Tex-Edit Plus gives very  
different results than opening it in TextEdit. Items are correctly  
italicized in TextEdit, but the paragraphs seem to be missing.

In Tex-Edit Plus, all the paragraphs are there, but the supposed-to- 
be-italic words and phrases are now delimited by \i and \i0 rather  
than underscores and their style is still plain.

So I tried doing a "Save As..." in TextEdit, saving as rtf, then  
opened that in Tex-Edit Plus and now the italic strings are all  
italicized, but the paragraphs are gone. Showing invisibles confirms,  
there are no paragraphs.


On Oct 3, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Paul Skinner wrote:

> Oh I feel stupid. That was the original text-accumulating version I  
> hosted.
> Never rush! ;)
> I just posted the live  writing version "live write Read and parse  
> underscores to italics.app.zip" with all the fixes from the first  
> version.
> sheepish,
> Paul
> On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Paul Skinner wrote:
>> RJay,
>> 	Yes, Leopard has Applescript 2.0. I'm running 2.0.1. I find a lot  
>> of issues writing on 10.5 and delivering to clients on 10.4 and  
>> below.
>> 	The -1728 is an unhandled case of only a separator in the read  
>> data on an un-even loop. I didn't think that should happen, but  
>> what about italicized underscores!
>> 	The -1700 error looks to me like I failed to properly  
>> parenthetically group some text coercions. I suppose the handling  
>> is different under AS 1.10.7 and AS 2.0.1. I wrapped a lot of them  
>> up to see if that was the issue.
>> EDIT: Ah I caught Mark's reply before I sent. So it doesn't like  
>> the "at text on the write line? hmmm... Still, it may be the  
>> coercion on that line getting confused.
>> Fixed and replaced on my public folder.
>> Paul
>> On Oct 3, 2008, at 1:02 PM, RJay Hansen wrote:
>>> I was wondering the same thing (if it may have got garbled in  
>>> email).
>>> Running that gives slightly different results. First I get the  
>>> error:
>>> -1728
>>> Can't get text 1 thru -2 of "_"
>>> after dismissing that error message I get the same one I got from  
>>> pasting your script from email into a new script:
>>> -1700
>>> by Philip K. Dick
>>> etc....
>>> I'm on 10.4.11 and my AppleScript version is 1.10.7
>>> Did Leopard come w/a new version of AppleScript?
>>> RJay
>>> On Oct 3, 2008, at 11:31 AM, Paul Skinner wrote:
>>>> Interesting.
>>>> What this does is reads your source, and spits out a properly  
>>>> formated RTF file. Here it works splendidly. Why you're getting  
>>>> that error I'm not sure. I suspect it's getting garbled in the  
>>>> exchange.
>>>> If you want to try it already compiled, you can download it from  
>>>> http://idisk.mac.com/paulskinner-Public?view=web under  
>>>> "Applescript stuff". It's named "Read and parse underscores to  
>>>> italics.app.zip".
>>>> I am on 10.5.5. What's your OS version? What's your applescript  
>>>> verision? You can just run "version" to get it.
>>>> Paul
>>>> On Oct 3, 2008, at 11:59 AM, RJay Hansen wrote:
>>>>> Hmmm... It comes back with a -1700 error: Can't make "{\\rtf1\ 
>>>>> \ansi\\ansicpg1252\\cocoartf949\\cocoasu.... etc. into text.
>>>>> I'm not understanding what the purpose of that part of the  
>>>>> script is for?
>>>>> rjay
>>>>> On Oct 2, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Paul Skinner wrote:
>>>>>> 	This version should be able to handle any filesize that the  
>>>>>> read command can handle. No text accumulation, it writes as it  
>>>>>> reads. I think this is pretty solid; I'll stop now.