REPLY:  Interesting report on the Towhees.  They have been seen in that 
vicinity in past years too.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David L. Webb" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [UVB] Boston Lot Lake Report

> --- Daniel Hopkins wrote:
> The Mascoma Chapeter of NH Audubon hosted the last in
> our series of bird walks to Boston Lot Lake today.
> Another beautiful morning with our 15 participants
> seeing or hearing 39 species.
> Highlights included great looks at a singing Towhee,
> Blackburnian Warbler, Northern Parula, and a family of
> Canada Geese with 6 goslings.
> [...]
> Canada Goose    2
> Mallard    2
> Turkey Vulture    1
> Broad-winged Hawk    1
> Rock Pigeon    1
> Mourning Dove    1
> Yellow-bellied Sapsucker    1
> Pileated Woodpecker    1
> Eastern Wood-Pewee    1
> Red-eyed Vireo    1
> Blue Jay    1
> American Crow    1
> Common Raven    1
> Tree Swallow    1
> Black-capped Chickadee    1
> Tufted Titmouse    1
> Brown Creeper    1
> Veery    1
> American Robin    1
> Gray Catbird    1
> Northern Parula    1
> Chestnut-sided Warbler    1
> Black-throated Blue Warbler    1
> Yellow-rumped Warbler    1
> Black-throated Green Warbler    1
> Blackburnian Warbler    1
> Pine Warbler    1
> American Redstart    1
> Ovenbird    1
> Common Yellowthroat    1
> Scarlet Tanager    1
> Eastern Towhee    1
> Song Sparrow    1
> White-throated Sparrow    1
> Red-winged Blackbird    1
> Common Grackle    1
> Brown-headed Cowbird    1
> Baltimore Oriole    1
> American Goldfinch    1
> --- end of quote ---
> I walked up to Boston Lot Lake Monday morning and found almost the 
> identical
> list of species: I did not find Brown Creeper, Broad-winged Hawk, or 
> Common
> Raven, but I had a singing Indigo Bunting near the power lines where the 
> towhee
> was singing, a Wood Thrush a little farther up the trail, three Spotted
> Sandpipers at the lake foraging among the rocks, and an Eastern Phoebe.
> David Webb
> Hanover
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