A reminder that registration is open and hotel information is available
on our website, http://www.nerallt.unh.edu/meeting/index.html#conference

So come and join us for:


NERALLT 2008 Spring Meeting

May 1-2, 2008 - Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT) 
"Language Learning in Action: Moving Images in a Digital World"


The Program Committee, composed of co-chairs, Emily Wentworth (Yale U)
and Mark Knowles (Yale U) and host, Emmanuel Paris-Bouvret (Wesleyan U)
are inviting you to join us for our Spring meeting. Our biennial
meetings provide you with a great forum for stimulating and
disseminating pedagogical research and practical applications of
technology for the teaching and learning of foreign languages. All
language technologists, faculty, teachers etc. come to Welesyan and
share new ideas!  


CONFERENCE THEME "Language Learning in Action: Moving Images in a
Digital World"


Film and video have been used in language education for 50 years or
more. What began as merely 'showing a movie' has progressed to a
plethora of uses and means of delivery for the moving image (and audio)
for language learning and instruction. Today's world language students
are now learning from viewing, making, and interacting with digitized
moving images through films, their own video creations, teachers'
multimedia presentations, publishers' ancillary materials, video
podcasts from museums, collaborative projects involving
interdisciplinary departments and international partners,
videoconferencing, travel blogs, and much more- delivered over the Web,
through commercial video streaming services to campus networks, from
video clip and film libraries, digitized art galleries, video-sharing
websites, and yes, often simply from a DVD movie played in class.




Thursday May 1 will consist of two pre-conference workshops: Flash Media
Server/Kalliope and Apple's Jabber Server/iChat (Mac users). Advanced
registration is required and seating is limited to 15 participants. You
can sign-up for either one or both. 


Friday May 2 is our main conference day. A full day of exciting
presentations is planned, with such topics as Digital Storytelling, GIS
for Language Learning, YouTube in the Classroom, etc.


For a full program description and Registration please visit our


The cost of the conference is $25 and includes light breakfast and
luncheon. NERALLT Membership (optional) is $25. 


For more information on Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT visit


Questions regarding the program should be sent to Emily Wentworth (Yale
U) at [log in to unmask]



If you are interested in hosting a future NERALLT meeting or would like
to participate in its organization, please contact NERALLT's program
coordinator: Audrey Sartiaux (Union College) at [log in to unmask]


 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning Technology (http://iallt.org/), and The Consortium for
Language Teaching and Learning (http://www.languageconsortium.org/).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])