At 5:20 PM +1000 4/29/08, Shane Stanley wrote:
>On 29/4/08 4:36 PM, "Chris Page" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>  Why is that?
>I don't know if my answer is the same as Ed's, but because (a) the Finder's
>delete doesn't delete, (b) the Finder is unreliable, and (c) System Events
>is too fussy about what it does and doesn't accept, depending on the OS

FWIW, we make and distribute for free (on an individual request 
basis) Files.osax, look how exciting:

filenew v : create a new empty file, fail if already exists.
mkdir v : create a new folder.
filelock v : given a file, attempt to create or update an associated 
.lock file by appending '.lock' to the original name. An expiration 
delay is stored in the .lock file. filelock fails if the .lock file 
already exists and is still valid.
filelockinfo v : return info for a .lock file
filecopy v : copy a file synchronously
filemove v : move a file synchronously
fileremove v : remove a file synchronously
create symlink v : create a symlink
testsymlink v : return true if the direct parameter is a symlink, 
false otherwise
filegetname v : returns the name of a file
filerename v : rename a file
flush volume v : flush the volume relative to the direct parameter
