Yesterday (March 8) a Barred Owl was perched for at least 15 minutes on top of a
tubular sunflower seed feeder on a pole here in the backyard in Norwich village.
I first noticed the owl about 5:50 PM Eastern Standard Time; it flew off into
the darkness about 6:05 EST.

This morning (March 9) when I first looked out on the backyard feeding area at
6:45 AM Eastern Daylight Saving Time, a Barred Owl, presumably the same
individual as on the previous evening, was perched on another pole. It then
remained in the feeding area for a half hour, perching during that time on three
different poles and at one point momentarily flying down and walking for a short
distance on the crusted snow before flying up onto one of the poles. During part
of the time while the owl was in the feeding area, a few juncos and a Gray
Squirrel were foraging nearby on the snow but always in positions so that
branches or other obstacles were between them and the owl. About 7:15 AM EDST
the owl flew off, disappearing into a hemlock hedge ; seconds later an American
Crow flew down, landing in the same part of the hemlock hedge where the crow
also moved out of my line of sight. One possible interpretation might be that
the departure of the owl was triggered by the arrival of crows in the vicinity.

Bird highlights a little later this morning at this Norwich backyard feeding
area included one American Robin, not seen feeding, and a flock of 14 male
Red-winged Blackbirds which visited for a short time.


George Clark
Norwich, VT

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