"Chuck Pelto" wrote:

> What is the best way to implement telephone dialing, via the modem,
> using AppleScripting techniques?

Hey, since the subject was Phone 'Home', are you trying to call your house
and have your old SE turn on the porch lights?

(That is fun. And funny if your mother doesn't know what's happening.)

X10 and HyperCard...beautiful.

Yes! I get the 'First Mention of HyperCard in 2008' ribbon. Awesome.

Two weeks ago, I took a Classic, and the original manuals, out of the big
ass MacBag (that used to be for hauling your Classic around...whew!) and
showed it to my friend.  He nearly flipped out. The manuals really made him
smile.  When I plugged it in and booted to OS 7 and launched one of those
old Michael Green-style HC artsy stacks, I thought he would weep.

The Classic, mostly a recipe and note machine that sat on the counter, has
been packed away and the old PowerBook 190CS installed in its place.  It has
the required floppy drive, PCMCIA fax & ethernet, and runs
HyperCard...better even, because we can use the Color XCMD now and pay
tribute to Rinaldi, et. al. in a proper fashion.