Dear Colleagues,

A happy new year to you all!

Just to remind you that the submission deadline for proposals for EUROCALL
2008 is Thursday, 31 January 2008.

Full details as follows:

EUROCALL 2008 Conference
3-6 September, 2008 | Szekesfehervar, Hungary


>>  E-learning and collaborative learning
>>  Tools and applications for community building and collaborative
   language learning
>>  Emerging technologies and new competencies
>>  Evaluation, assessment and e-portfolios
>>  Preparing teachers to integrate technology into language teaching.
   Technological pedagogical content knowledge
>>  Corpora and language learning

EUROCALL is a professional organisation for the promotion of innovative
research, development and practice in the area of Computer Assisted
Language Learning (CALL) and Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
in education and training. EUROCALL conferences bring together educators,
researchers, administrators, materials developers, government
representatives, vendors of hardware and software, and others interested
in the field of CALL and TELL.

Selected Papers from EUROCALL 2008 will be published in ReCALL, a fully-
refereed journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of

EUROCALL 2008 particularly welcomes papers focusing on integrating new
technologies into language learning. Presentations focusing on any other
aspect of CALL research, development and practice are also welcomed,
especially innovative uses both of established and of leading-edge
technologies. All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.

Presentation categories        
A) Paper Presentations
Papers should be 30 minutes long, with 10 minutes for discussion and 5
minutes to allow for changeover. There are three different categories of
Paper Presentation (Research Paper, Research & Development Paper, and
Reflective Practice Paper). Paper Presentation proposals should indicate
the relevant category (see more details below)
B) Symposia
Symposia consist of three or four papers on a similar topic, proposed and
organised by a Chair. Sessions should last for 90 minutes, with NO
changeover during the symposium. Only ONE submission is required for the
papers that make up the symposium proposal. Individual abstracts MUST be
preceded by the symposium summary, which should include an overview of the
topic, the rationale for the choice of papers, and other relevant
The Programme Committee reserves the right to group a number of papers
into a symposium.
C) Educational showcase
The Educational Showcase is meant to provide platform for demonstrating
the educational applications, software, courseware, etc. that you have
developed. These exhibitions may also include laptop demonstrations.
Educational showcase exhibitors may also submit a proposal for a paper,
which elaborates on the material already presented in the exhibition
(including evaluation findings, design principles and so on).
D) Posters
The display of posters will be held at the same time as the Educational
Showcase. As standing displays are designed to draw attention to a project
or area of work, a poster will usually focus on work in progress, though
preliminary research or evaluation results should be presented. Posters
should be succinct and to the point, easy to read and attractively
designed. Applications from postgraduate students are particularly

Paper presentation
>>  Research Papers | There should be a clearly stated topic of
investigation, supported by a rationale, which may include a brief
literature review. Papers may be empirical or theoretical. The methodology
should be outlined clearly, as well as the nature of actual or potential

>>  Research & Development Papers | These papers focus on the presentation
and critical appraisal of development of applications, courses integrating
CALL, etc. They should be original and may emphasise practice rather than
research. They can also report on projects (e.g. European, national,

>>  Reflective Practice Papers | These papers focus on the integration of
CALL in the classroom or in the distance learning environment. Reflection
may take the form of evaluation or action research. These proposals must
include some elements that are of relevance beyond the context of the
practice presented and discussed.
Proposals for Papers, Symposia, Educational Showcase sessions or Posters
should be submitted online via the web-based submission process, not later
than 31st January 2008.

To submit a proposal, please go to the conference website:



Margaret Gammell
Secretary, EUROCALL
Dept. of Languages & Cultural Studies
University of Limerick
Ireland <>