(1)  from  "Dana Rensi" <[log in to unmask]>


I use my ipod with a microphone to record.

Tell me more about how the faculty member plans use the files in Moodle. 


(2) from [log in to unmask]

Hi Donnie,

So far, we've been happy with the Microtrack 24/96:


It is nice and compact, easy to use, and comes with a small microphone
that has been suitable for the kind of use you describe. A few caveats:

* it ships with a 64MB Compact Flash card, so you may need to upgrade
to more storage right away.
* When the rechargeable battery wears out, the device has to be sent to
the manufacturer for a replacement. M-Audio says they'll charge $75 for
this. We've had ours for just over a year, and so far they are retaining
their charge fairly well, but this is another hidden cost.

For comprehensive reviews of the microtrack and other similar devices,
I usually check out the Tools area at transom.org -

Good luck,


Doug Worsham
Foreign Language Technologist
AV Services Coordinator
L&S Learning Support Services
246 Van Hise Hall, UW-Madison
Madison, WI  53706
[log in to unmask]

(3) from  [log in to unmask]

We have a couple Zoom H4 recorders that work pretty well. 


They are cheaper than the Edirol, and the good thing about them is they have
multiple inputs for extra recording devices like mics or even musical
instruments. It provides phantom power to those devices, so no need for an
excessive amount of power cables.

The only downside to the Zoom recorder is that it picks up a bit of body
noise from the case when you are recording. It has great pickup, though, and
the sound quality is actually pretty nice.

John Beals
Assistant Director
Language Resource Center
Grand Valley State University

(4) from  [log in to unmask]

We use an 'iTalk' (iMic) with an iPod and we are happy with it. It is mobile
and can easily be used for recording in the field. It records directly into
the iPod and these files can be readily used.
We also use the Edirol Digital Recorders.


Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan

Foreign Language Technology Center

Wayne State University
385 Alex Manoogian Hall
906 W. Warren Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202, USA

Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 313-577-6391
Fax: 313-577-3041


(5) from  [log in to unmask]


We use and highly recommend the M-Audio Microtrack 24/96:



(6) from  [log in to unmask]

I got a few Marantz recorders, pmd660. These are about $500 each. They 
are extremely popular, thanks to being so easy to use. However, an 
instructor who wanted to take one to South America and had to settle for 
some kind of ipod recorder said that once she got used to that it worked 

Judy Shoaf
University of Florida

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning (http://iallt.org/), and The Consortium for Language Teaching
and Learning (http://www.languageconsortium.org/).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])