Error during command authentication.

Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10061, phase=CONNECT, target= The server is probably not started. LISTSERV - MACSCRPT Archives - LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU

Hello, I’m trying to understand how to use the password syntax with Airfoil.
Here’s a quote from Airfoil’s applescript dictionary:

connect to v : Connect to the Airport Express speakers
connect to list : The speakers to connect to
[password Unicode text] : use this password to avoid the speaker password
dialog from being presented.

And here’s my script:

tell application "Airfoil"
    --Find QuickTime Player
    set pathToApp to (POSIX path of (path to application "QuickTime
    --Create a new source and set it to QT
    set newSource to make new application source
    set application file of newSource to pathToApp
    --Set the source
    set (current audio source) to newSource
    --Set the speaker volumes
    set (volume of every speaker) to 0.5
    --And finally start transmitting
    connect to every speaker --with password "secretpassword"
end tell

I don’t know what syntax to use for the password entry.  Any ideas?
