On 8/14/07 11:46 AM, jeff donovan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Can someone give me some guidance on how i can have a script read a
> file list of names and create a folder with that name?
> example
> read file list1
> list1 contains ( bob, joe, doc, foo )
> make new folder for each name


Simplistically, something like this does it:

set folderNames to {"bob", "joe", "doc", "foo"}

repeat with aName in folderNames
    tell application "Finder"
        make new folder with properties {name:aName}
    end tell
end repeat

This will create four folders on the desktop (there's no error-checking to
see if folders with these names already exist there). It's an easy tweak to
have them created somewhere else.

Hope that helps,
