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>Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 15:52:49 -0700
>From: <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: IALLT's Task-Based III
>Sensitivity: Normal


        As many of you heard announced at last week's IALLT conference at Tufts,
IALLT is preparing a third volume in it's Task-based Activities series, and I
will once again be editing that volume. 
     I am appending a call for contributions for this volume below. Task-Based
III will be published for the 2009 IAALT conference. Inquiries are welcomed and
encouraged at any time: [log in to unmask]  or	   714-544-7001 (hm).

LeeAnn Stone

International Association for Language Learning Technology
Call for Contributors
Task-Based III: 
Expanding the Range of Tasks with Online Resources
Dr. LeeAnn Stone, Editor

The aim of this third installment of IALLT's Task-Based series is to share and
expand our collective repertoire of classroom-proven task-based activities that
make innovative use of the many internet-based and other technologies currently
available to language teachers and their students. Both experienced,
technology-using instructors and those who may be intrigued by new technologies
but not sure how (or even if) they can be used in a language curriculum will
find stimulating, interesting, and useful activity options in this publication. 

Rather than the templatized format of the previous two volumes (possible because
of the limited range of technologies they utilized), contributions to this
edition will be in narrative form. Contributors are charged with setting the
description of their activity into the context of their institution, the
demographics of their students, the extent or limitations of their institutional
technology support and resources, and their own pedagogical and methodological
tenets, to contextualize the activities and provide readers with a comprehensive
picture of the settings in which these activities are engaged.  An
editorially-written summary that outlines the technology(ies) employed,
language, and course level will precede each contribution as an advance

Manuscript requirements will follow those of the IALLT Journal:
* Chicago Manual of Style "scientific" convention. 
* Double-spaced, spell-checked manuscripts.
* Times New Roman or Palatino fonts at 10 points. 
* All manuscripts should be submitted in Rich Text Format (RTF). 
* Do not use headers or footers. Your name should not appear outside the body of
the document. 
* Include a statement that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere. 

Include a 30 to 50-word biographical statement, a short abstract of your
submission, and your contact information on a separate page at the beginning of
the document. We encourage you to include illustrative graphics, charts,
artwork, photographs and/or screen captures in your manuscript. Each graphic
(tables, figures, or screen shots) should be submitted as a separate file in
TIFF format, with markers in the manuscript text to indicate where the image
should appear. 

Manuscripts are due to the editor no later than March 31, 2008. 

 LLTI is a service of IALLT, the International Association for
Language Learning (http://iallt.org/), and The Consortium for Language Teaching
and Learning (http://www.languageconsortium.org/).
Join IALLT at http://iallt.org.
Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])