Saw 2 Loons and 1 M RT Hummingbird today at Grafton pond. Yellow Eastern Swallow Tails (butterflies) around as well as at my house.  Also noted one Pink Lady's Slipper in bloom along the road.
    The E. Phoebe has nested in the Robin's shelter in our gazebo.  There are 5 eggs which she has been sitting on.
    I believe I have two pairs of nesting Chickadees, but I have not checked for eggs.
    I noticed a Tree Swallow with nesting materials go into a house on the south side of our property while another bird looked on from the electric wires two days ago.  Today I checked the house to find a  platform of dried grass but no eggs.  I have heard a Tree Swallow fly over our property but not land on the house the past two days.  I hope the pair comes back and settles in.        
    There is one pair of C. Geese with 7 goslings at George Pond.  There are at least 4 other adult C Geese but none with goslings.
    J. Langevin
    Enfield Center

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