iDVD can read PDFs and incorporate slide shows.  It is Probably the  
easiest way to do it.

Also DVDs are a great idea.  Probably far cheaper in bulk than 40  
page manuals.  You can also include sound files

On May 2, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Chuck Pelto wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm looking at a situation involving the distribution of information.
> The scenario involves distributing textual information from a PDF  
> document via DVD-to-Television player.
> Is ANYONE familiar with how to make a DVD player show PDF documents  
> in a page-by-page manner?
> I'd greatly appreciate your assistance, as we are looking at  
> different ways to distribute extensive information vital to  
> survival in the event of a pandemic version of Bird Flu.
> Printing books thick enough to contain the information would be  
> cost prohibitive. Putting the information on a DVD that people  
> could page through on a DVD player attached to their television,  
> should they lack a computer, seems like a reasonable  
> alternative....provide we've got electricity. However, I suspect  
> we'd have such for a while. Long enough for people to read the  
> information and act on it.
> Regards,
> Chuck Pelto