On Saturday May 19, 2007, from 8:30 to 11:30 AM, I'm to be leading a walk in
the Norwich nature area on the theme of "Conserving Forest Birds". We'll
identify birds encountered during the walk and discuss how management of
northern New England forests can promote the conservation of birds living there.
This program, arranged by the Milton Frye Nature Area Committee, is free and
open to the public. Bring binoculars if possible.

	Road Instructions: From Exit 13 off I-91, turn towards the village section of
Upon entering the village on Main Street, pass three homes and St. Barnabas
Church on the right, then turn right into the paved road which passes between
the church and the Marion Cross School. Then turn right into the paved parking
area for the school. Participants are to meet at 8:30 AM at the trailhead at the
far end of the parking lot.

George Clark
Member, Milton Frye Nature Area
 	  Committee, Norwich, VT
telephone: (802) 649-2305

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