On 2006-10-13, at 00:44:20, John Delacour wrote:

> <http://wiki.mozilla.org/Penelope>

> The announcement, long overdue, that Cocoa Eudora is not to be,  
> presumably means that Eudora will be AE free for a long time into  
> its birth pangs -- Thunderbird is completely AE ignorant -- and  
> Steve Dorner is unlikely, if I know him, to have scriptability  
> anywhere near the top of his to-do list.  Apple events do not  
> figure, so far as I can see, in the Mozilla list of technologies.

> A good scripting dictionary would go towards sugaring the pill and  
> I can think of a handful of people on this list I'd be happy to see  
> get involved in creating it.  I can also think of a whole tribe of  
> idiots, not on this list, that could turn it into a monstrosity if  
> they got their paws on the project.

> Speak up ye old Eudora faithfuls!

I don't know anything about Eudora. I saw it on a friend's Mac in the  
mid-90s and decided it wasn't for me.

However, as a workaround type of solution, I think what you can  
reasonably ask is if the product will meet accessibility requirements  
(i.e. be scriptable with "System Events"). The criteria that an  
application implement the requirements of those with special needs  
might make it up the priority list.

These days, it's very easy to create a scripting dictionary  
because .sdef files are xml files. So you can cut an paste from any  
dictionary available to get a working sketch and then refine the  
notions to suit. What I'd suggest you do is design tbird.sdef  
(version 0.1) and forward a link for comments (it's much easier to be  
a critic). Perhaps to AppleScript-Implementors as well.

When the above phase is done, generate the aete resource file with  
the 'sdp' tool and forward it to S. Dorner.

Philip Aker
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