In the strictest sense, this is probably an off-topic request.

I would like to set up a CVS repository on my local machine for my own
projects and also to use CVS to keep current with two PHP projects. [*]

I've read much, downloaded a number of apps, and still I am not successful
in establishing the needed framework (whether technical or mental) for CVS

Is there someone out there who could spare a few email exchanges with me to
give me some Mac-specific guidance (X.3.9) in putting all the parts

(I think, as is sometimes the case with me, that I may be over-thinking all
this.  I've read many OS X 'how to' articles related to CVS but it's just
not clicking for me.)

If you're familiar with what I need to be doing, and you can spare the time
for a bit of correspondence, I'd be grateful.

Thanks in advance.


[*] The projects that I immediately would like to version-control include 23
web sites; 2 open source PHP projects; and a handful of AppleScript

I'm very willing to post back any summary, if that's useful or appropriate.