At 10:28 pm +0100 7/8/06, has wrote:

>John Delacour wrote:
>>I think we've all learned to live with AppleScript as it is
>Hey, who this "WE"? Whatchoo think I been doing the last two years? ;p

Reinventing Usertalk?  I'm not bothered about language.  What 
concerns me is the increasing stupidity of the applications being 
produced, which require the user to go back to nursery school and 
spend his time frigging about with mice and menus. Here 
<>, for example, we have a new spreadsheet 
program.  Very nice, and no doubt a bit prettier than Multiplan.  Do 
your efforts provide any crutches for this lame creation?  Do they 
enable the user to add a scripts menu to the app, as Frontier did, or 
to understand Apple events, no matter what mechanism you use to 
generate them?  What contribution have you made to enable the author 
of the mailer you've only just abandoned to replicate its unequalled 
power in Cocoa?  And is your switch to Mail.crap a signal that we 
shall soon be able to get the properties of the message in the the 
front window by some simple magic?  AppScript, Mac::Carbon, Ruby 
bridges -- fine!  What difference does it make if nothing is 