At 10:49 pm -0400 30/6/06, Duane L. Mitchell wrote:

>There may be workarounds to these issues that someone may be aware of and/or
>I might not be working with the scripting of Mail correctly. However, it's
>easier to move on to another product rather than face the uncertainty of
>this product and there's no doubt that this is an unfinished product. No
>reason to use it.

If they've burned their bridges and can't dump Mail, then you have 
all the information you need in the account directories and can do 
the work with Sendmail/Postfix.  They would need to enable Postfix. 
Mail can be sent through localhost or through an ISP's server.   I 
would use Perl's Net::SMTP, and have done in a Smile project I wrote 
for doing things other mailers can't do.  You're welcome to see it if 
you like.


tell application "Mail"
   set _account to ""
   set _dir to account directory of account _account
   set _messagedir to _dir & "/INBOX.mbox/Messages/"
end tell
do shell script Â
   "perl -e '
$dir = q~" & _messagedir & "~;
chdir $dir;
opendir DIR, $dir or die $!;
@messages = reverse readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
for (@messages) {
open MESSAGE, qq~$dir$messages[0]~ or die $!;
print <MESSAGE>;
choose from list paragraphs of result