On Friday, June 30, 2006, at 10:16AM, Bill Steele <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Can URL Access Scripting do an LDAP lookup?  If so, hints on syntax 
>would be appreciated. The syntax that works with Eudora does not seem 
>to transfer to Applescript.

You should be able to use ldapsearch. Here's an example of how it works:

ldapsearch -hZ [IP ADDRESS]:[PORT 389 (default)/636 (ssl)] -b [SEARCH BASE (e.g. ou=[TREE],dc=[DOMAIN NAME],dc=[TLD])] -D cn=[USER NAME],ou=[TREE],dc=[DOMAIN NAME],dc=[TLD] -w [PASSWORD] -x '[SEARCH STRING (enclose in quotes if you're using wildcards)]'

Take a look at the manpage for ldapsearch for more (and clearer) information.