I have seen things like that happen elsewhere.  Rerunning the 1000  
test I am seeing it happen.

I would say grab the list of files and then work your way through one  
at a time.

another option is

do shell script "cd " & quoted form of POSIX path of mainfolder & ";  
ls *.xml"

and then break that into a list.

On May 12, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Christopher Green wrote:

> Hmm. More testing to come, I guess. Might be some variation of name  
> of fi=
> les
> whose name ends with ".xxx" or something ...
> (which I realize you can't do as a test w/o a try block because  
> 'name of'=
> assumes files existing)
> I'll have to find some time later to devote to this
> oh yeah, thanks for the reply, Mark!