I really do think this may be just off-topic, although the context is my PHP
scripting work so...maybe not.  Since it's Sunday, I'll go for it here.

If so, I'm happy to have any off-list assistance that one could offer.

OS X.3.9
Apache 1.3.33
PHP 4.3.11

My desire is to install the GD image kit ( gd-2.0.33 ) but frankly I've
spent a couple of weeks reading and being hesitant. [1]

ImageMagick can work for me, too, but is less important for this current
project.  (I have both on my remote server.)

Locally, I run the base OSX.3.9 Apache and PHP set-up. I am not serving to
the world, just over localhost, for development before moving PHP scripts to
my live server.

I would like to install the GD image kit referenced above, but I am just not
entirely sure, even after all this reading, what I need to do that won't fry
my PHP or Apache set-up.

Frankly, I'm not even sure if I _can_ do this, since I no longer have the
development tools installed  (I need 'make' right?)

Would someone throw me a bone and help me over this hurdle?

I have a URL Manager file filled with web bookmarks, all of which I've read,
and which cumulatively have confounded me.  (Not all that hard, actually.)


[1]  Ideally, I'd like to get a number of image-based web tools up and
running, so that I can test my PHP project against ImageMagick and GD
locally, which I have been able to do on my remote server.

libpng, libmng I have, but realized I was just piling Pelion upon Assa and
need to just hold off on that.