Error during command authentication.

Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10061, phase=CONNECT, target= The server is probably not started. LISTSERV - MACSCRPT Archives - LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU

At 8:22 pm -0800 23/3/06, Jon Pugh wrote:

>I've gotten this to work:
>tell application "Finder"
>	set t to Çevent sysoexecÈ "echo barf"
>end tell
>but it returns Unicode which HyperCard can't deal with.  I'm sure I 
>had a way of converting utf8 to MacRoman, but I can't find it now.
>Perhaps someone else can help.

Something like this? :

tell application "Finder" to Çevent sysoexecÈ "cd; cd desktop;" & Â
  "echo ŽtŽ | iconv -f utf8 -t macroman > trash.txt; cat trash.txt"