This "almost" works for inserting a PDF into a FM database.  (Using FM 6, OSX 10.3.9)
tell app "finder"
  set myphoto to choose file  --the PDF file to import
  set myphoto to myphoto as string  --must be done.
end tell

tell app "filemaker pro"
  tell database "mydatabase.fp5"  --database file name; open in this example
    set cell "Page Box 1" to file (myphoto)  --Page box 1 is a local name
  end tell
end tell
It does not retain the PDF file in the FM file if I try to Save A Copy, Close and Re-Open the FM file.  
It looks like it only saves a pointer to the PDF file.  How do I script inserting a PDF into FM and 
keeping the PDF embedded into the FM file?


Bob R.