On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 15:24:00 -0500, Gary (Lists) <[log in to unmask]>

>"Eric Schult" wrote:

>> tell application "filemaker pro"
>>   tell document 1
>>       tell current record
>>           set cell "preview" to alias "path:filename.gif"
>>       end tell
>>   end tell
>> end tell

>"Bill Steele" wrote:
>> This works for me in Filemaker scripting steps:
>> Go to field [Photo index::image]
>> Insert picture ["temp.jpg"]

>"Bill Steele" wrote:

>So, in short, in FM _up to 7_ (and maybe including and beyond), one could
>insert an image by reference simply by setting the container field's value
>to the string path of the object to insert.

Thanks for the replies!

Setting the cell to the filepath as string didn't work for me in FMP6. I
still would rather do this in AS, but if I can do it with a mix of AS and
the built-in scripting language in FMP, I'm okay with that. I'll try it.
Meanwhile, if anybody knows the syntax for inserting a picture file into a
container field, I'd appreciate the help.