--- Forwarded Message from [log in to unmask] ---

>To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>Subject: arguments for fourth contact hour in the lab
>Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 14:54:38 -0600
>From: [log in to unmask]

Please excuse cross-postings.

I received the following email from a colleague of mine. She is
concerned because her department is looking at cancelling the mandatory
lab hour for introductory and "remedial" French courses.  This is a
fourth contact hour with a TA and generally comprises of listening
comprehension, one-to-one interaction with the TA on pronunciation and
grammar concerns, pairing activities with the students (while being
monitored by the TA) and also some grammar or writing exercises. 
Students also have access to a computerized voice recorder which will
record their voices while listening to a pre-recorded recording and then
replay them simultaneously.  Although we know that most students do not
do this and these activities make up only approximately 5-10% of work in
the lab (depending on the instructor), some students have commented on
their evaluations that this has been an essential tool for them to use.

Her greatest concern is loosing that contact or extra assistance from
the TA, and particularly because it may or may not be replaced with an
appropriate distance solution, or that students will not be as committed
to completing the tasks via a distance solution.

She is looking for help in finding academic articles to support the need
for a fourth contact hour, and I was not able to give any immediate
assistance.    We are hoping that someone might know of some resources
to assist her in determining if there is adequate research to support
her position.

Thank you,
Deanne Cobb

---------------------------- Original Message
---------------------------- Subject:
From:    "Celine Magnon" <[log in to unmask]>
Date:    Thu, January 12, 2006 10:47 am
To:      [log in to unmask]

Hello Deanne,
Last week, a proposal was made to 
cancel all 4th hour for classes 100, 101, 102...I am of 
course against and I am trying to organize an 
argumenttation to oppose this. I will need your help 
(artciles about the benefit from lab, comment, 
evaluations..) anything would be appreciate. 

Celine Magnon
Departement de francais
University of Regina
Tel.: 585 4216

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