Hi Folks,

Happy New Year ... I have a question that goes back to some old  

One of my faculty members at Swarthmore likes and is still using QT  
dictations created with David Herren's X-Media Engine templates.   
Haven't had a problem running them in Classic mode under OS X until  
this latest upgrade from 10.3 to 10.4.  Now suddenly I'm encountering  
errors "Sorry, an error has ocurred.'in openStack."

I think it's having trouble opening the quicktime movie the dictation  
is based on.  I've tried pointing the program to the movie again, but  
also encounter an error doing that.

Ideas?  Thought I'd ask before I take the machines back to 10.3 for  
the semester.


- Mike

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Otmar Foelsche, LLTI-Editor ([log in to unmask])