--- Forwarded Message from Barbara Sawhill <[log in to unmask]> ---

Greetings IALLTers:

If you have nothing better to do with your time this evening/afternoon, 
you are welcome to join in a webcast or the chatroom (and eventually a 
podcast) that I  am (hopefully) hosting this evening ...

Please come and join in on the conversation and the discussion of using 
iPods and podcasts for teaching languages.  I will be talking with Ewan 
McIntosh (Development Officer [MFLE], Scottish CILT and
Institute of Education, University of Stirling) about some of the work 
he is doing with podcasts to teach French throughout the EU as well as 
Buthaina al Othman, an ESL professor at Kuwait University (and with whom 
I have been working on creating podcasts for teaching Arabic and ESL).  
Ewan will be in Scotland, Buthaina will be in Kuwait.... and I will be 
in my mudroom in Oberlin, Ohio.

The original start time for this show was supposed to be 9 p.m. but we 
got moved to 7 p.m.  EST. 

Instructions on how to join in are at: 
http://www.languagelabunleashed.com and also http://www.worldbridges.com

If you can't make it, don't worry....you can always access the podcast a 
bit later...

Here's hoping the technology doesn't fail me!


Barbara Sawhill
Director, Cooper International Learning Center
Lecturer, Hispanic Studies Department
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074
Voice: 440-775-8595
Fax: 440-775-6888

President-elect, IALLT

"The plural of anecdote is -not- data"

Barbara Sawhill
Director, Cooper International Learning Center
Lecturer, Hispanic Studies Department
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH 44074
Voice: 440-775-8595
Fax: 440-775-6888

President-elect, IALLT

"The plural of anecdote is -not- data"